Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Counting Hours

24 hours in the day.
A constant that can feel anything but constant.
When you wake up does that clock stare you in the face? Taunting you to get up, get at it, your late, never enough hours?
Your getting wrapped up in the constant demand of time.
Or do you smile at the clock, enjoying the moments as they pass, wherever you may be, in whatever state your in.
Letting go of the drive of the clock.
Give the call of keeping time away.
Let you be your ruler, not the incessant marching of the moments.
Spend your time in the moment.
Let go of the urge to be more, to get more out each moment.

Get a pet.
Animals are great reminders that not a lot of what we do matters.
As long as we have food, we will probably be ok.
Other than that whats the rush?
Wheres the fire?
There is none and everything is going to be fine.

We have no purpose.
That is a fact.
Our perceived purpose is only that which we bestow upon ourselves through neediness.
Do we need purpose?
Only insofar as we need to eat and breathe.
Everything else is secondary and conjured up to fill our moments.

Moments when we could be enjoying the moment.
When we put a purpose to the moment its possible we could be accentuating that time.
More likely we are trading our time for some bigger perceived goal.

A paycheck
The opportunity to build something bigger
We trade away years of moments for the idea that we work for a bigger purpose.
We trade away decades of moments to assuage the fear that someday we may not have enough to...
... what?
... of what?
Security? Peace?  Place? Love? Companionship? Dreams? Health?

All this is ours already.
So why do we count the hours?

1 comment:

  1. Even when you try your hardest to live for each moment... time seems to find you.

    At least when it catches up I am doing something fun!

    Nice entry...
